photo taken by Mohammad Alkanderi
About me
Kadir Suat AKCA was born and grew up in Ankara which is Capital City of TURKIYE. Got BS degree of Geological Engineering from Middle East Technical University/ Ankara.
He took PADI OW course in Jeddah/Saudi Arabia than became dive addictive. He took first underwater photos with Sealife camera. Than meet with amazing Canon G10 smal and versatile monster. After all more than 10.000 pics, decided to take photos with DSLR camera... New era strated in his underwater photography with Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Ikelite housing and EF 100mm, f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens in 2014.
Became PADI OWSI in 2017 and start to teach his passion.
Now he is more dive addictive ..........................
This web page dedicated to all dive addictives........
Let's hit the water
Email: ksakca1967@hotmail.com Phone: +9 0 532 342 21 28